Rebecca Kontus

Rebecca Kontus, a singer, was born in Pärnu. She got her first stage experience when she was two years old and performed in a Christmas concert at the Penecostal Church. In basic school she sang in a range of vocal ensembles and in high school she won the title of the best vocal solo artist of Pärnu for several times. In addition to music, Rebecca has instructed several dance groups and presented her choreography in the final of Koolitants (School Dance), one the largest dance contests in Estonia. When she was going to Tallinn Georg Ots Music School, which she graduated with honours, she was also admitted to the Faculty of Architecture of the Estonian Academy of Arts.
Today, Rebecca Kontus is a professional musician who is equally good in performing pop, gospel, funk, soul, folk or jazz. She has participated in various song contests like “Tähtede laul” and “Kaks takti ette”. She became known to the public as a member of ensemble Suntribe when representing Estonia in Eurovision. In March of 2008 she sang in Sony Jazz Stage in Riga where she achieved the third place.